Images gallery of causes of computer virus
What are the causes of computer viruses? 7 Answers
Best Answer: People cause computer viruses. A computer virus is built and programmed by little munchkins called "kids", kids think viruses will get
Virus information help Computer Hope's free computer help
One of the biggest fears among new computer users is being infected by a computer virus or programs designed to destroy their personal data. Viruses are malicious
Computer virus
A computer virus is a computer program that can replicate itself and spread from one computer to another. The term "virus" is also commonly, but erroneously, used to
Computer Virusmeaningcauses Precaution
Computer Viruses are every where. It is better to take precaution than fall a victim. sensitive information about you can be taken such as your Account details even
What causes a computer virus The Q&A wiki
It may be caused by putting an infected USB flash drive or cd/dvd into your computer, opening an infected email, downloading infected files, going to websites that
Causes effects prevention from a Computer Virus Hard Drive
Computer virus, although not being the biggest cause of data loss, contribute to almost 7% of total data loss. A virus is a self-replicating software program that
What causes Computer Viruses? It's my comp blog about desktop
Virus attacks are perhaps the greatest threats faced by computer users. Nowadays everybody uses the internet and usually it is accessed through the computer.
What are the causes of computer virus The Q&A wiki
Answer Computer virus' come from the internet, they are created by other computer users for a wide varity of reasons but mostly for pure evilness
Title : Causes of Computer Virus
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Images gallery of causes of computer virus
What are the causes of computer viruses? 7 Answers
Best Answer: People cause comp...